A wedding lasts for few days but marriage is forever. The premarital examination helps a couple to know their health compatibility in terms of genetic, transmissible & infectious diseases. Marriage happens to be a vital decision of life and a proper premarital screening lets the couples take an unbiased opinion about their marriage. Past family history, diet, age, etc, all contribute to figuring out their future married life and the quality and dormant illness of their progeny. Hence, a premarital health checkup is the most imperative event a would-be couple must undergo. List of blood tests required before marriage was published earlier and can be referred.
The premarital examination should take place in terms of
1) Sexually transmitted diseases:
HIV, hepatitis B, and C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, etc, are lifelong trouble makers. So, if not taken care of, they tend to affect married life bitterly.
2) Inherited diseases:
Bloodborne diseases like Haemophilia, Thalassemia, Marfan syndrome, Huntington’s disease, and Sickle cell are highly inclined to be passed on to offsprings. Hence they must be tested for.
3) Fertility:
This issue should be addressed as early as possible as a lot of biological, social & emotional trauma can be avoided with this test before marriage.
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